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What makes MusicAppella different from other Ear Training Apps?
- MusicAppella was developed by a team with a combined 70+ years of teaching experience
- Early Childhood
- Preschool through college
- Amateur adults
- Competition coaching
- Classroom
- Group and private lessons
- UI UX is designed with the student in mind
- Gamified
- Multi-dimensional teaching goals that progress through pedagogically sequenced levels
- Strengthens sight reading and musicianship skills
- By integrating notation and theory alongside auditory prompts
- Dynamic content creation
- Resulting in the generation of over 1 million unique auditory examples
- Annotated question review
- Leaderboards for both inter-studio and global contests
- Extensive diagnostic reports for teachers
- Student login data
- Scores
- Subject reports
- Scales
- Chords
- Intervals
- Melody
- Rhythm
- Inter-studio contests